Homework assignments for PTfS

Homework assignments for PTfS

by Georg Hager -
Number of replies: 0

Dear PTfS students,

If you intend to do the homework exercises, please e-mail your name (using your FAU address) to georg.hager@fau.de so we can set up your account for the HPC systems. Please use your university (fau.de) e-mail address; e-mails from other domains will be silently ignored. Please also indicate whether you are a CAM student. Some time next week, you will receive an e-mail with instructions about how to activate your account. In order to log in, you have to use an SSH public/private key pair; password-based login is not allowed. Details about login procedures etc. will be presented in the first tutorial sessions.

Prof. Wellein will inform you about how and when to submit your homework assignments in the first lecture.

