Unable to connect to csnhr

Unable to connect to csnhr

by Sharon Mathew Panamparambil Reji -
Number of replies: 1

Dear members,

I have tried multiple methods (multiple times) to connect using the command, 'ssh cshnr.nhr.fau.de' and unable to connect. I will explain in detail what I have done so far. Please note that I use a windows system.

1. Installed WSL (Since connection using terminal in wondows failed)

2. Created new SSH Key using WSL and uploaded that

3. Created config file as mentioned in https://doc.nhr.fau.de/access/ssh-command-line/ . Please note that steps mentioned in the kickoff ppt differs with this ( or is there any step in PPT that I missed idk 🤦‍♂️). I will also attach the config file for reference.

4. After waiting for 2+ hours I tried testing using the command,  'ssh cshnr.nhr.fau.de' . And I get the message 'Permission denied, please try again'. I will attach a screenshort.

Can you please help me to resolve this issue as this is important in completing the course.


Sharon Mathew

The contents of my configiration file is,


Host csnhr.nhr.fau.de

    HostName csnhr.nhr.fau.de

    User ptfs268h

    IdentityFile ~\.ssh\ssh_key

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    PasswordAuthentication no

    PreferredAuthentications publickey

    ForwardX11 no

    ForwardX11Trusted no

Host cshpc.rrze.fau.de

    HostName cshpc.rrze.fau.de

    User ptfs268h

    IdentityFile ~\.ssh\ssh_key

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    PasswordAuthentication no

    PreferredAuthentications publickey

    ForwardX11 no

    ForwardX11Trusted no

Host fritz.nhr.fau.de

    HostName fritz.nhr.fau.de

    User ptfs268h

    ProxyJump csnhr.nhr.fau.de

    IdentityFile ~\.ssh\ssh_key

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    PasswordAuthentication no

    PreferredAuthentications publickey

    ForwardX11 no

    ForwardX11Trusted no

Host alex.nhr.fau.de

    HostName alex.nhr.fau.de

    User ptfs268h

    ProxyJump csnhr.nhr.fau.de

    IdentityFile ~\.ssh\ssh_key

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    PasswordAuthentication no

    PreferredAuthentications publickey

    ForwardX11 no

    ForwardX11Trusted no

# needed only for Tier3-Grundversorgung

Host tinyx.nhr.fau.de

    HostName tinyx.nhr.fau.de

    User ptfs268h

    ProxyJump csnhr.nhr.fau.de

    IdentityFile ~\.ssh\ssh_key

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    PasswordAuthentication no

    PreferredAuthentications publickey

    ForwardX11 no

    ForwardX11Trusted no

# needed only for Tier3-Grundversorgung

Host woody.nhr.fau.de

    HostName woody.nhr.fau.de

    User ptfs268h

    ProxyJump csnhr.nhr.fau.de

    IdentityFile ~\.ssh\ssh_key

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    PasswordAuthentication no

    PreferredAuthentications publickey

    ForwardX11 no

    ForwardX11Trusted no

# needed only for Tier3-Grundversorgung

Host meggie.rrze.fau.de meggie.rrze.uni-erlangen.de

    HostName meggie.rrze.uni-erlangen.de

    User ptfs268h

    ProxyJump csnhr.nhr.fau.de

    IdentityFile ~\.ssh\ssh_key

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    PasswordAuthentication no

    PreferredAuthentications publickey

    ForwardX11 no

    ForwardX11Trusted no


This image shows the message I have recived after trying to test configuration settings.

In reply to Sharon Mathew Panamparambil Reji

Re: Unable to connect to csnhr

by Erik Fabrizzi -

So the problem is that something has gone wrong either in your ssh config or in the way ssh is resolving the host that your are passing. You can clearly see in your screenshot that ssh is tryng to connect with username "sharonmathew" and not with your ptfs account. 

Update your configuration to this: 

Host csnhr

    HostName csnhr.nhr.fau.de

    User ptfs268h

    IdentityFile ~\.ssh\ssh_key

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    PasswordAuthentication no

    PreferredAuthentications publickey

    ForwardX11 no

    ForwardX11Trusted no

Then attempt to connect with 

ssh csnhr

if it still does not work please make sure that

A: ~/.ssh/ contains a "config" file 

B: That the contenents of the "config file" are actually what you posted.

C: ~/.ssh/ actually contains a file called ssh_key (wich actually is the counterpart of what you uploaded to the HPC portal)

In general is a good start to delete all the stuff you put in your config file and just try to make one Host configuration work first since you may "implement"  ambiguity.