Unable to use geeqie

Unable to use geeqie

by Ajay Murali -
Number of replies: 2

Dear PTfS team,

I am working on a VSCode on a windows OS and I am unable to open the resultant images from my code runs in question 3. One of my friends also has the exact same parallelization as me and gets the same runtimes, but my .pnm file is always corrupted can't be opened, even when I use GIMP. 

I tried connecting to the csnhr.nhr.fau.de server, but when I type "geeqie" into that command terminal, I get the following error:

Command 'geeqie' not found, but can be installed with:

apt install geeqie

Please ask your administrator.

Please help me with this issue. Thank you.

Kind Regards,

Ajay Murali

In reply to Ajay Murali

Re: Unable to use geeqie

by Jan Laukemann -

You are right, I assumed that csnhr is in the same state as cshpc, which is not the case.

You can use geeqie on cshpc.

However, note, that for any graphical application, you need to use X-forwarding in your SSH session, this is probably the reason your GIMP command failed on csnhr. (If you did use X-forwarding and you are still not able to open your image on csnhr with gimp, you messed up the file output in your code - which is not part of the timed region, so no need to touch that one)

Furthermore, you can also always copy your image to your local machine and open it there with any Windows image app of your choice.