Error in Parallel Ray Tracer Example Code

Error in Parallel Ray Tracer Example Code

by Jannik Hausladen -
Number of replies: 1
For the last assignment, we have some example code given in ~ptfs100h/Getting started/RAY/raytrace.c.

Sadly, the code is not working:

  • The computation is way too fast.
  • The image is only black
This is due to an error in line 61. You have written:

ldx /= rr; ldy /= rr; ldz /= rr;

But it should be

ldx /= r; ldy /= r; ldz /= r;

This error happens likely due to some performance optimizations you tried but not finished.

I would appreciate if you could fix the code and upload/distribute a new version.

Also, since I only found the cause for the error now, it is hard for me, and maybe other students, to finish the task by Thursday. Therefore, it would be very kind if you could again reschedule the deadline for at least some days to account for that.

Thank you very much.

Jannik Hausladen

In reply to Jannik Hausladen

Re: Error in Parallel Ray Tracer Example Code

by Georg Hager -

Sorry about that. The bug has now been fixed.

Unfortunately, we cannot extend the deadline since the final tutorial is on Thursday, July 18. This is when the solution will be presented. However, marking will take into account that the full week was not available for working on the problems.

