MPI+OpenMP: he-hy - Hello Hybrid! - pinning
Recap from previous exercises:
cd ~/HY-LRZ/he-hy # change into your he-hy directory
job_*.sh # job-scripts to run the provided tools, 2 x job_*
*.[c|f90] # various codes (hello world & tests) - NO need to look into these!
coolmuc2/coolmuc2_slurm.out_* # coolmuc2 output files --> sorted (note: physical cores via modulo 48)
IN THE ONLINE COURSE he-hy shall be done in two parts:
first exercise = 1. + 2. + 3. + 4. (already done before)
second exercise = 5. + 6. + 7. (after the talk on pinning)
4. Recap from previous exercise: get to know the hardware
→ Find out about the hardware of compute nodes:
→ solution.out = coolmuc2/coolmuc2_slurm.out_check-hw_solution
5. MPI-pure MPI: compile and run the MPI "Hello world!" program (pinning)
job_he-mpi_[default|ordered].sh, he-mpi.[c|f90], help_fortran_find_core_id.c
compile he-mpi - either C or Fortran - precompiled version = C:
C: mpiicc -o he-mpi he-mpi.c
Fortran: icc -c help_fortran_find_core_id.c
Fortran: mpiifort -o he-mpi he-mpi.f90 help_fortran_find_core_id.o
submit he-mpi to a compute node (mpirun):
sbatch # CoolMUC2 --> okay (pinned to cores, but not to hw-thread; i.e., physical cores modulo 28)
sbatch # CoolMUC2 --> pinning to cores & hw-thread (T1); i.e., to physical cores 0-27 --> perfect
? Why is the output (most of the time) unsorted ? ==> here (he-mpi) you can use: ... | sort -n
? Can you rely on the defaults for pinning ? ==> Always take care of & check correct pinning yourself !
6. MPI+OpenMP: :TODO: compile and run the Hybrid "Hello world!" program, he-hy.[c|f90], help_fortran_find_core_id.c
compile he-hy - either C or Fortran - precompiled version = C:
C: mpiicc -qopenmp -o he-hy he-hy.c
Fortran: icc -c help_fortran_find_core_id.c
Fortran: mpiifort -qopenmp -o he-hy he-hy.f90 help_fortran_find_core_id.o
→ Run he-hy on a compute node, i.e.: sbatch
? Why is the output (most of the time) unsorted ? ==> here (he-hy) you can use: ... | sort -n
→ Find out what's the default pinning with mpirun !
# CoolMUC2 --> the default is already perfect --> but let's do it explicitly !
→ Look into:
→ Do NOT YET do the pinning exercise, see below 7.
? Can you rely on the defaults for pinning ? ==> Always take care of & check correct pinning yourself !
7. MPI+OpenMP: :TODO: how to do pinning
job_he-hy_[exercise|solution].sh, he-hy.[c|f90]
TODO (see below for info):
→ Do the pinning exercise in:
→ one possible solution =
# CoolMUC2 --> explicit pinning of MPI procs & OMP threads done perfectly
PINNING: (→ see also slides 72-86)
Pinning depends on:
batch system | [SLURM*] | \ |
MPI library | [Intel*] | | interaction between these ! |
startup | [mpirun*|srun] | / |
Always check your pinning !
→ (he-hy.[c|f90] prints core_id)
→ print core_id in your application (see he-hy.*)
→ turn on debugging info & verbose output in job
→ monitor your job → login to nodes: top [1 q]
Intel → PINNING is done via environment variables (valid for Intel-only!):
pure MPI: I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_LIST=<proclist> (other possiblities see Web)
omp - number of logical cores = OMP_NUM_THREADS
I_MPI_PIN_DOMAIN=[m_1,.....m_n] hexadecimal bit mask, [] included!
OpenMP: KMP_AFFINITY=[<modifier>,...]<type>[,<permute>][,<offset>]
modifier type (required)
granularity=fine|thread|core|tile compact
proclist={<proc-list>} balanced
[no]respect (an OS affinity mask) scatter
[no]verbose explicit (no permute,offset)
[no]warnings disabled (no permute,offset)
none (no permute,offset)
default: noverbose,respect,granularity=core,none[,0,0]
Debug: KMP_AFFINITY=verbose
Example from slide 85 (last pinning example in the slides):
1 MPI process per socket, 14 cores per socket, 2 sockets per node:
export KMP_AFFINITY=scatter
export I_MPI_PIN_DOMAIN=socket
mpirun -ppn 2 -np # ./<exe>
see: + slurm.out_he-hy_mpirun_test-1ps (note: physical cores via modulo 28)