Exercise: Hello World!
We start with a warm-up exercise.
Copy the HELLO folder from the central directory (/lrz/sys/courses/PPHPS25). In there you will find simple parallel "Hello World"-type programs in OpenMP and MPI for both C and Fortran. You will need the Intel-OneAPI toolkit environment for this to work
$ module load intel-toolkit
Typing "make" will build the binaries.
- Compile and run the OpenMP version of the program:
$ cd ~/HELLO/omp
Something is obviously wrong. Fix it!
$ make
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./HELLO_C.exe - Compile and run the MPI version of the program (this is only possible within a batch job - see the introduction):
$ cd ~/HELLO/mpi
Modify the code so that each process sends its own rank to process 0, which then prints all the ranks.
$ make
$ mpirun -np 4 ./HELLO_C.exe
Last modified: Tuesday, 18 February 2025, 1:20 PM