vsc4 - enjoy working    Please open a terminal and connect to vsc4:
    (see email for password & details, the ## has to be replaced by your ID)
    (Windows users can connect via Power Shell or via PuTTY - see email)

•  ssh -t trainee##@vmos.vsc.ac.at vsc4

    If your terminal becomes unresponsive, please hit the Return key, then type ~.
    (if it does not help, open a new terminal and connect again)!

    Editors: vi, vim, nano, emacs, nedit   --> editors cheat sheets: nano, vi(m)


Setup your user (needs to be done only once):

    During the course, we provide a node reservation to avoid queuing times.
    Activate the node reservation!

•  ~training/setup.sh

•  source ~/.bashrc


Copy the exercises (needs to be done only once):

    Hands-on labs are prepared for the course participants directly on the vsc4 cluster.
    (A link to download the exercise material outside of the course is provided on the Moodle.)

•  cd ~; cp -a ~training/HY-VSC .

•  cd ~/HY-VSC


~/HY-VSC holds subdirectories for all exercises:

•  he-hy                                    - MPI+OpenMP: compiling, starting, pinning

•  jacobi                                    - MPI+OpenMP: hybrid through OpenMP parallelization

•  data-rep                               - MPI: how to avoid replicated data


Load the required modules:

•  module load intel intel-mpi

We'll use the Intel software stack on vsc4, since vsc4 is an entirely Intel system.

The Intel compilers are called icc (for C), icpc (for C++) and ifort (for Fortran).

For reasonable optimization including SIMD vectorization, use options -O3 -xAVX -fno-alias
(sometimes you might get better performance with -O2 ...)

By default, OpenMP directives in your code are ignored. Use the -qopenmp option to activate OpenMP.


Compile @login node:

•  mpiicc    -o my-program.exe my-program.c         #   C           (example is for pure MPI; note the double ii)

•  mpiifort -o my-program.exe my-program.f90     #   Fortran (example is for pure MPI; note the double ii)


Submit to queuing system:

  sbatch job.sh                                             #   submit a job

•  sq                                                                     #   check own jobs, sq is an alias for: squeue -u $USER

•  scancel JOB_ID                                         #   cancel a job

•  output will be written to: slurm-*.out       #   output

Docu for VSC:


Last modified: Sunday, 11 December 2022, 9:50 AM