I tried to use the likwid markers but I can not compile my file, I am receiving an error. To not receive an error I know that we need to use module load likwid, but still it doesn't work. Do you have any suggestion? Maybe I forgot something, I don't know...
The error:
ptfs307h@f1054:~/ex8$ make
icx -O3 -xHost -qopenmp -DLIKWID_PERFMON -I-I/apps/likwid/5.3.0/include -o my_program src/main.c -L-L/apps/likwid/5.3.0/lib -llikwid
src/main.c:6:10: fatal error: 'likwid-marker.h' file not found
#include <likwid-marker.h>
1 error generated.
make: *** [Makefile:15: my_program] Error 1