Logging in
How to log into the NHR@FAU "Woody" cluster
You will get access to
the "Woody" cluster at NHR@FAU via personalized web links, which will
enable you to connect to a Jupyterhub instance.
Go to https://hub.nhr.fau.de/jupyter-training-likwid-access.php to access the JupyterHub instance. You will see a simple web form:
Enter the email address you used to register. You will get an e-mail with a new link to finally access the JupyterHub
A page will open that shows the startup process for your JupyterHub instance. It submits a job and configures the system to run with 2.9 GHz. The job is set to run with a limit of 4 hours, so most probably you will have to start a new session in the afternoon.
Open a terminal with the Terminal launcher to open a terminal on the compute node:
What happens if I close the terminal?
You should see the Launcher page of the jupyter notebook server. Open a new terminal and you are again on the compute node.
Closing the jupyter notebook server
After the course, please shut the server down.
File -> Hub Control Panel
This opens a new browser tab. Click the "Stop My Server" button