Introduction to the LIKWID tool suite (online)
Topic outline
LIKWID stands for "Like I Knew What I'm Doing." It is a tool suite for performance-aware programming on modern clusters. LIKWID is in use at many computing centers worldwide and can be employed on the full spectrum of platforms, from laptop to supercomputer.
LIKWID comprises a variety of command-line tools and follows the UNIX philosophy of "one tool, one purpose." In this course, we will cover the following tools in depth:
- likwid-topology, a node-level topology exploration tool
- likwid-pin, for enforcing thread-core affinity in thread-parallel programs
- likwid-mpirun, for starting MPI and MPI/OpenMP-hybrid programs and enforcing thread-core affinity
- likwid-perfctr, for counting hardware events and measuring derived metrics
- likwid-bench, a microbenchmarking framework
A strong focus will be on diagnostic performance engineering using hardware performance counters on real application codes. Hands-on exercises will enable attendees to consolidate the acquired knowledge.
- Basic understanding of parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP
- Fluency on the Linux command line
- Editing files through ssh connection via vim, emacs, nano, ...
- A current web browser since system access is provided through Jupyter notebooks.
Thomas Gruber and Georg Hager (NHR@FAU)
This course is organized by Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU)
Time & Date
July 23, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CEST
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